Carryduff Nursing Home
Twenty-four hour personalised nursing care in a purpose built facility.
Modern Accommodation
Comfortable fully furnished bedrooms for 23 residents.
Fully Accessible
Our premises are fully accessible for residents & visitors with mobility issues.
All types of care
Tailor made individual care plan for each resident, dependent on their needs.
Attentive Staff
Our staff are passionate about what they do. The residents receive the best care.
As comfortable as being in your own home.
Carryduff Nursing Home provides high quality nursing in a homely secure and comfortable environment, emphasising individuality of care, self fulfilment and maintenance of dignity. Consequently the care team pays particular attention to the individual's physical, emotional, religious, social and cultural needs thereby achieving as high quality of life as possible and / or a peaceful and dignified death
Take a look inside…
At Carryduff, we care about care.
Carryduff Nursing Home provides twenty four hour professional nursing care, based on individual assessment and needs. Supported by medical and other professional community care teams. Attention to detail is paramount, ensuring the dignity, privacy and confidentiality of each resident is maintained at all times. A knowledge and respect of an individual's previous lifestyle and history helps to accommodate idiosyncrocies, improve self-respect and resident morale.
Range of Care
Carryduff Nursing Home provides a safe warm and friendly environment for all our residents. Nursing Care is provided for long and short term care, respite, home from hospital care and rehabilitation post operative care. Medical and surgical convalescence are facilitated. Terminally ill residents are nursed in a calm and loving atmosphere; where pain is present it is effectively controlled.
Key Care Decisions
The Home Manager has overall responsibility for the operation of the Home. Matron is responsible for the control of nursing and ancilliary staff and for providing the necessary leadership to maintain high standard of personalised care. Residents are encouraged to actively participate in their individual care planning to provide a fulfilling life style and encourage independence.
Safe, warm & friendly environment for all our residents.
This purpose built Home caters for twenty three residents in either single or double bedrooms. All the rooms are tastefully decorated and the residents are encouraged to avail of all the facilities within the Home. A nurse–call system is linked to each room. To accommodate the need for privacy, shared rooms incorporate full length curtains. Likewise a resident's personal affairs remain free from any intrusion. All prospective residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms. There are 5 double rooms which cater for those who like to share, for examples, couples or sisters .etc. Our residents are encouraged to use the lounges during the day but their need to be alone on occasions, is respected by our sensitive, caring staff.
A varied and nutritious menu is available with special dietary needs being catered for. There is fresh home cooking daily made with local fresh produce. Personal laundry services are available.
Personal Care
Personal laundry services are available. Private podiatry services can also be arranged for a separate charge if required. Hairdressing services are available at a nominal fee, paid directly to the Home hairdresser. Medical Care by GP Physiotherapy, Chiropody, Opthalmic Services, Dental Services, Audiology Services as required
To stimulate and maintain physical and mental activity and social well-being. Mental and physical activities are encouraged through individualized diversional therapy programmes. An Activity Therapist visits twice weekly and provides a wide range of activities which include singsongs, bingo, quizzes, hand and foot massages, crafts and baking sessions. Strong links have been established within the local community between youth clubs, church groups and schools to ensure the Home is part of the local community. The local community will be encouraged to form part of the leisure activities for example, local choir, youth and children's organisations, .etc to visit periodically. Arrangement will be made for those residents who are well enough and able to go to the church of their choice. The local clergy will attend to the residents' spiritual needs.
The Home operates an open door policy, visitors are encouraged and made welcome. We welcome visits from clergy. There is a bus stop just outside the home which is very convenient for those who travel by public transport.
Meet the staff at Carryduff
Visit Us
19 Church Road
Co. Down
028 97 565322
For more information about Carryduff Nursing Home & pricing breakdown, please get in touch.
Carryduff Nursing Home is registered with the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority. Reports on RQIA inspections are available on request and can also be accessed on line from rqia.org.uk.